  tax consultancy
  property conveyance
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  Tax Consultancy
M.S.A.’s team will carry out a detailed study of each customer’s situation in order to determine the most efficient and suitable tax regime that will allow him to reduce his “tax bill” adjusting it to the structure of your company:

- Natural Person: Self- employed worker, Civil Society or Joint Ownership

- Legal Person: Commercial Association, Private Limited Company, Public Limited Company, Labour Society, Co-operative Society

M.S.A. carries out all the necessary dealings, ranging from the constitution of a company to the admission, withdrawal and modifications from the tax census, and informs its clients of their fiscal obligations regularly.

Our team prepares the following periodical tax returns:

· Tax registration (036)
· Private Income tax
· Value Added Tax (VAT)
· Tax on Business Activities
· Stamp duty tax
· Tax on inheritance and donations

We keep our customers informed on a regular basis of any news on Tax law, or tax allowances.
M.S.A Asesores S.L - Paseo Vistalegre nº6, bajo 2
03181 - Torrevieja (Alicante)
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